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Read Our FAQ Page

Rummage O Rama, LLC is proud to be one of Wisconsin’s finest flea markets. Located in Waukesha County, we offer a world of possibilities to shoppers traveling from as far as Illinois. You can find everything you want inside our flea market – from gorgeous antiques to quirky collectibles. But we know many of our guests have questions about what to expect when they visit us. Read our frequently asked questions to learn more.

We aren’t a permanent flea market, but we have frequent shows. The best way to stay up to date is to visit our show dates page.

The expansive Waukesha County Exposition Center hosts our flea markets.

General admission tickets for visitors over 12 costs $5, Children under 12 are free, and Seniors and military are $3

To get tickets, you pay at the door.

The Waukesha County Exposition Center has a large lot, easily accessible from major highways. It is free.

Our flea market contains various items, including antiques, collectibles, crafts, food items, and miscellaneous items.

We do not allow any pets other than service dogs.

We highly advise you to bring plenty of cash. Some vendors can accept card payments, but others cannot. To ensure you can get what you want, bring some money.

If you need to get cash, there is an ATM inside the facility.

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