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Frequently Asked Questions

For Shoppers

We aren’t a permanent flea market, but we have frequent shows. The best way to stay up to date is to visit our show dates page.

The expansive Waukesha County Exposition Center hosts our flea markets.

General admission tickets for visitors over 12 costs $5, Children under 12 are free, and Seniors and military are $3

To get tickets, you pay at the door.

The Waukesha County Exposition Center has a large lot, easily accessible from major highways. It is free.

Our flea market contains various items, including antiques, collectibles, crafts, food items, and miscellaneous items.

We do not allow any pets other than service dogs.

We highly advise you to bring plenty of cash. Some vendors can accept card payments, but others cannot. To ensure you can get what you want, bring some money.

If you need to get cash, there is an ATM inside the facility.


Yes! There is a restaurant on the premises.

No. However, you can eat at the restaurant. You are allowed to bring water.

Yes. We encourage you to bring whatever you need to carry your purchases.


Make sure to wear comfortable shoes and clothes. You will be walking a lot, and the location is rather large.

How to Become a Vendor at Our Flea Market

Do you have interesting antiques and collectibles to sell? Rummage O Rama, LLC is the best place to do so. Our flea market attracts countless visitors each time we host an event and is the perfect place to do business. We want you to have all the information you need to have a successful event. Read our FAQs and call our team for more information.

Before you can set up shop at our flea market, there are some steps you need to complete. Fortunately, we make it easy for you. Follow the following simple steps to ensure your shop.

  1. Contact our owner Mike for a contract.
  2. If you do not have a Wisconsin seller’s license, obtain one. OR, you may use a social security number.
  3. Sign a contract and make your payment.
  4. Call our team with any additional questions.

Booth rental cost $130. You will need to make this payment before the event starts.

Each booth is 10 by 10 feet.

You can discuss this with our owner. We will work with you to accommodate your wishes. However, booth locations are on a first-come, first-serve basis.

We offer tables, chairs, and electricity. Contact us today for any more information.

Yes. We encourage you to personalize your booth to attract customers.

Anyone! Our past and current vendors include store owners, businesses, and online vendors.

We ask that you arrive on Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. for setup. Take down starts at 4 p.m. on Sunday. We ask that you be out of the building by 7 p.m.

We ask that you not sell the following items at Rummage O Rama. Alcoholic beverages, weapons or ammunition, e-cigarettes, ivory, used bedding, drug paraphernalia, pornography, fireworks, or things that violate trademark or copyright law. Anything illegal in Wisconsin is also prohibited.

We are Wisconsin’s most famous flea market, making us an attractive option for those who wish to sell at a flea market. Our affordable booths and amenities make things easy for vendors to sell their items and make a profit. Our events are immensely popular and generate an incredible amount of foot traffic, ensuring countless individuals will walk past your booth.

Contact Us Today to Reserve Your Booth